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2020 Hall of Fame Inductees



With a new year and decade ahead of us we are certain 2020 will be a great

year. At the close of 2019, target count in Texas appeared to be on the rise

and our hope is that this trend continues to increase over the coming months

and years. The more targets thrown, the more opportunity there is for our

members to “bust some clays”.

Registered shooters for the 2020 Texas State Championship, now over 500,

are on the way to reaching at least a thousand shooters! REGISTER NOW!

The TSCA Board has been working diligently to facilitate all the initiatives

sponsored by the TSCA, and I would like to thank each of the Board members

for their continued commitment and efforts required for the TSCA to function

and provide programs to its members and member clubs.



Being inducted into the Texas Sporting Clays Hall of Fame is the highest

award that a shooter and/or service member can be awarded in the State of

Texas. At the 2020 Texas State Championship Hall of Fame Banquet (to be

held Friday April 24th, 2020) we will be inducting four deserving members

to the Texas Sporting Clays Hall of Fame, three (3) shooters and one (1)

service award.

The three (3) members in the Shooter Category are:

Stan Faison

Rick Storey and

William Walton

The one (1) member to be recognized in the Service Category is:

Patricia Reaves

Congratulations to an outstanding slate of inductees and Thank you for your

commitment and support of Texas Sporting Clays.

The TSCA Board would like to thank the Hall of Fame Chairman of the

Veterans Committee, Nadim Nasser, for his work on this initiative and

establishing a new evaluation/point system used in selecting our Hall of Fame


Members, please make plans to attend the Hall of Fame Banquet and

congratulate this year’s inductees. Tickets can be purchased when

registering for the shoot or at the door. Register Now!


For all Texas Members, be on the lookout for Board of Director Nomination

Forms. We have a Board of Director election coming soon. There are six

director positions to be filled. If you or someone you know is interested in

seeking a position on the Texas Sporting Clays Association Board, please

go to, for requirements. Complete and submit a nomination

form. To seek a position on the board, you must be a member of TSCA. More

election information will be forthcoming.

As always…Members and Member Clubs, Thank you for your continued support

and commitment to the sport of Sporting Clays!

Danny Vines, President

Texas Sporting Clays Association

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