Everyone is always very busy this time of year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all TSCA members and Texas Gun Clubs a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are now only 5 months away from the 2020 Texas Sporting Clays Championship being hosted by the NSC April 22-26. Our sign-ups have exceeded 300 shooters with representatives from 4 countries and 14 states. A big thanks for all that are supporting the Texas State Shoot.
As promised, TSCA has drawn for an additional gun giveaway. The random shooter number was 248, which belongs to a Texas Mast Class Shooter - Gary McNew. Keep the sign-ups rolling in, we will have another drawing when we reach 400. Click here to sign up for the 2020 TSCA Texas Sporting Clays Championship.
TSCA will have an additional 6 newsletters going out over the next 3 months. Each focused on different aspects of the State Shoot. If you have any special topics that you would like to have covered, please email them to me at dvines@dmvpetroleum.com.
TSCA has just formed a committee to organize a Spring and Fall Mega Shoot, similar to the Browning-Briley for the Texas Clubs interested in hosting a larger shoot. The target participation for the Spring and Fall Mega Shoots has been set in a range from 200 to 300. These shoots will rotate across the state from club to club. This process will allow 6 Texas clubs to benefit from hosting a Mega Shoot over the first 3 years of the program. Each year thereafter, 2 additional clubs will be added to the rotation.
All Texas Clubs need to be on the lookout for the bid packets that will be our early next year.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
Danny Vines
TSCA President